Monday, January 25

Grateful in the NOW

Tonight, God really hit me with revelation to be grateful in the NOW. It's exciting to think and believe for what is coming. I know without a doubt that God will fulfill the promises and prophetic words I have gotten. But He was showing me to be in the NOW and not be too future focused. Though it is good to keep the vision in sight. My heart needs to be one of gratitude in the present. Because God is doing a lot currently within me and around me. He has never left me and still is showing me His presence in everything in this journey.

I am also seeing what it means to always be in motion with the Lord. Even though from the outside it probably doesn't look like I am doing much with my life. But that's the thing, His ways are always higher than our own. So I embrace the way things seem right now and rest in knowing that He is still guiding me. Preparation, character building, and foundational disciplines are the aspects of this season I'm in. All of these are so important too since it prepares the way for the structure and establishment of something grand!

Saturday, January 23

Hold On and Believe

If your wondering, I still haven't heard definitely whether I got the part in the musical. However, I'm not looking to actually get it due to how things went down yesterday. Regardless, this situation has stirred things inside of me and caused me to really evaluate and process with the Lord.

I feel like doors of opportunity are being closed again. On one hand, thats a good thing so that shows how and where God is at work. On the other hand, it leaves a feeling of disappointment and frustration to know what IS the right track or way to go. It is in this time though that standing firm and holding on to the truth and prophetic words are crucial. As I read today, I came across the beginning of Luke where it talks about John the Baptist. Right before the story of the birth of Jesus, it says "And the child grew and became strong in spirit, and he was in the wilderness until the day of his public appearance to Israel". This struck me because John remained in the wilderness until the time of his ministry. This encouraged me to know that above all that I believe I am called to do, THE most important thing is intimacy with the Lord. The time in the wilderness is so important because this time builds character and gets things all in place until the right time for God to reveal, launch and release you publicly.

So I write this to myself as well as you to embrace this time of preparation and don't allow the enemy to steal your joy. There are great adventures coming!
The chorus from this song came to mind as I wrote this so...."don't stop believing, hold on to that feeling"
"Don't Stop Believing" by Glee

Thursday, January 21

Perspective Shift

Yesterday, I found out that I got a callback for a musical I auditioned for. So as I have had time to do some research on this musical, I have found that depending how the director interprets things, there are parts that could be awkward for me to perform due to being a Christian. The more I thought about this, the more I started to freak out about it. I wanted to not go through with the callback all together. So I prayed and left this dilemma at: if I get the part, then God knows I can handle it...if not, then I wasn't meant for it.

This morning, as I prayed and thought more about all of this. God began to reveal more truth and revelation concerning this. At first, I wanted to get the lead role in the musical for ME. I wanted to star in a musical. But then with the issue of some of the questionable content, I wasn't so sure about this. This however humbled me to see the bigger picture in all of this.

I know I am called to take the arts mountain back from the enemy. I can't be afraid of going into this territory that the enemy has dominated for so long. As I prayed, I began to gain strength and insight. This is an awesome opportunity to actually release light and purity into a place that's dark. So I see this now as a mission and assignment! So I am praying now for the director and cast members for God's light to shine on them that they would be cleansed and brought into holiness and righteousness. Also that I would have opportunities to radiate God's heart to everyone within my influence concerning this musical.

My conclusion is that because I am potentially a part of this musical, there is no other option BUT for the Kingdom of God to prevail. I carry a power far greater than anything or influence that the enemy can bring to the table. So I am decreeing innocent dance choreography and direction for this. And will see what the outcome will be, as far as whether I get this lead part or not.

Tuesday, January 19

Introduction to All

Hi Everyone! This is my first entry on my new blog. So I thought I would first just say hello and explain why I am starting this blog. With the beginning of 2010, I believe that this year is a new beginning for MANY. God is doing such a new thing in the Body and it is causing a shaking in our comfortable lives. But the real question in this time is how are we going to respond? Its new and can be scary, but it will be amazing...if we don't fight this new thing that is. Sometimes, things are out of our control and that can be difficult to cope with. But that is exactly how God wants us to live! To let go of all the things we hold on so tightly to for security and instead embrace Him.
  So my prayer is that this will be a place for many to come into community and to do just that- to walk through the difficulties and challenges along the way and fully embrace what God is saying and doing. I don't expect this to be easy or anyone of us to get it right the first time. But if we have each other, I know anything is possible.
  Buckle up and please keep your arms and legs inside this vehicle at all times because this proves to be a wild and amazing ride!!